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Insurance Agency in Palm Coast, FL

Absolute Risk Services is a highly-regarded, independent insurance agency serving Palm Coast, FL and the surrounding area. We have years of experience providing personal and commercial insurance policies based on unbiased feedback and a commitment to superior customer service. We can help with a range of products, including health, life, business, and recreation insurance. We help find affordable policies that ensure your home and property, and our team can cut through the nonsense to find the automotive insurance policy that best meets your needs and budget. No matter what you need, you can count on our dedication to your happiness.

Dan Browne


Our owner, Dan Browne, boasts over 30 years of expertise in the insurance sector. Whether home, auto, or life insurance, he knows how to get the best for his clients. Known for his dedication to community service, Dan has actively participated on numerous charitable boards, including the YMCA, Florida Hospital Foundation, East Orlando Chamber of Commerce, East Orange Little League, and Golden Knights Club, leaving a lasting impact. Presently, he holds the position of President at Abundant Life Ministries, a charitable organization concentrating on the youth of Flagler County. As a former president of the Rotary Club of Avalon Park, Dan is deeply committed to serving his community. Married to Teresa, he is a proud parent to seven children, with four grandchildren and one more on the way.

Teresa Browne

Agency Manager

Teresa is the agency manager at Absolute Risk Services. She has been a corporate employee throughout her career, but managing a small and growing agency is twice as rewarding. Our mission statement is to provide customer service a step above by offering experienced and knowledgeable agents to assist you through the process and practice this motto daily. As the spouse of the owner of the agency, her focus has and will always be God, family, and taking care of our clients!

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Jovana Larrivee

Sales & Service Manager

Jovana has been a licensed Customer Service Representative and Insurance Agent with Absolute Risk Services since February 2022. She started in the insurance industry in 2017 as a receptionist with a different agency before realizing she enjoyed helping clients with their personal insurance needs. Jovana enjoys helping others better understand their insurance policies and advising on covering their most prized possessions. She is a true Floridan, born in Miami and raised in South Florida and the Treasure Coast area. In 2008, Jovanna relocated to Central Florida with her husband of 20 years. Becoming a mother is her highest accomplishment; when she is not working, she is all about her family.

Daniel Fickett

As a dedicated individual who served 6 years in the US Army Infantry, Daniel is no stranger to discipline and commitment. His favorite sports include hockey, football, mixed martial arts, boxing, and fishing. As a devoted family man, he is married and blessed with 4 beautiful children. Daniel expresses gratitude to God daily for the opportunities he has received and eagerly anticipates making a positive impact in his community.

Steve MacCloskey

Steve MacCloskey moved to Flagler County in 1998 as a young adult. He has extensive knowledge of the geographic, economic and cultural trends in this region. He began his journey in insurance in 2021, prior to that he worked in inventory and operations, business management and varying trades. The culmination of his 20+ years of working experience has positioned him perfectly to grasp the ever-changing landscape of property and casualty insurance.

In his down time, he spends time with his wife of 11 years, children (Malachi, Ezra, and Selah). On top of that Steve enjoys golfing, tennis and basketball and also reading books from a variety of genres.

David Paul

David Paul is one of our dedicated sales professionals here at Absolute Risk Services. What sets David apart is not just his extensive knowledge of insurance products but his genuine care for the well-being of his clients. He believes that insurance is not just a financial decision but a personal one that affects the lives of individuals and their families. David's approach is rooted in a commitment to understanding the unique circumstances of each client, allowing him to offer tailored advice and solutions that truly protect and benefit them.

While being a partner with Absolute Risk, he also specializes in Health and Life Insurance, with a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in securing one's health and future of finances. His expertise is not confined to these areas alone; he is adept in handling all types of insurance needs, ensuring that every client receives the best coverage possible.
His passion for helping people navigate the often complex world of insurance has driven him to become a trusted advisor to many. Whether it's providing peace of mind through a comprehensive policy or securing coverage that meets the needs of his clients, David is there every step of the way."

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Kristine Moe

My name is Kristine Moe and I work as a Customer Support Associate at Absolute Risk Services; I have over 20 years of experience in the customer service and customer service management fields and enjoy my daily customer interactions. I am originally from Detroit, MI, lived in Minneapolis, MN while obtaining my college degree, and now reside in beautiful South Carolina with my family.

Independent Insurance Agents